Everyone wants long hair. But for the pollution, you can’t achieve it. We have no time to do any difficult hair mask. So today I tell you one hair mask which you can make easily at home with cheap price. This mask not only boosts your hair growth but also makes your hair soft and manageable. It reduces hair-fall also. So, further late let start to make this hair mask.


👉 Plain Oats (As per your hair length)
👉Plan Water.
👉 One bowl (for mixing)
👉 One spoon (for mixing)

💁Benefits Of Oats Milk:
Oats contain omega-6-fatty acid which helps to boost hair growth. It also contains a high concentration of nutrients like a zine, iron, etc. Oat milk helps to repair your damaged hair. Remove dandruff from the scalp. Detoxifying your hair. Overall Oats milk is very much effective on your hair.


At first in a bowl take plain oats (My hair length is short so I am using 3tea-spoon oats) then add half-cup water. Let it sit for 10min.
Then squeeze the water which looks white. That is your oats milk.
Now it ready to use.
💁How to apply:

👉If you are oiling your hair yesterday then the next day applies this oat milk scalp to root. Wait for15-20min. oats milk help to remove excess oil from your hair scalp. Then wash off your hair with a mild shampoo. (Here I am using Good Vibes Coconut milk shampoo and conditioner. You can use any mild shampoo which suits your hair)