Soumi's Under Eye Gel
Soumi's Under Eye Gel
Hello guys, I hope you well. Today we talk about a very major problem UNDER EYE DARK CIRCLE. The under-eye dark circle looks very bad. This time everyone has an under eye dark circle problem. If you are sick if you face lots of problems in your life everything firstly shows on your eyes which causes an under eye dark circle.
We called the EYE is a mirror of our Hearts. That is true. You can judge anyone at first see their eyes. So we need to take care of our eyes and using a good under eye gel which removes dark circles.
Today I tell you one of my favorite under-eye gel which works for me. I just buy this product for its ingredients. After using 2 weeks I share with you my opinion, what’s the product claims, etc..
Before starting the topic you need to know why we face this under eye dark circle problem??? There are a few problems
  • (A) Stress
  • (B) Hormonal Changes
  • (C) Heriditi
  • (D) Lack of Stress
  • (E) Wrong Diet etc.

If you think you do all the things which I mentioned above, and then at night you using under eye gel or your dark circle gone then YOU ARE WRONG. At first, you need to change this habit and then go for this under gel then it definitely works for you. Hope you understand my point.
Now let’s start the review….


 It comes with a plastic tube. This tube has a white and green color combination. In the tube, there is a SOUMI MAM picture which identifies that this product is the can product. Other details also are shown on the tube.



This is a gel-like consistency, not a runny consistency. This gel looks light green. After applying this gel it gives you a cooling sensation which is a great thing.


Rs/-85 for 25ml of product. Which is great. This is a Kolkata based products if you are live here then you can buy it any local cosmetic shop or if you want to buy this from online I give you the link below


Self-life: 24months from manufacturing.


Composition(for each 5ml), Haridra-curcuma-longa-Rhizome-20 mg, Amlaki-Emblicaofficinals-seed-20mg,Yastimadru-glycyrrhizaglabra-stm-30mg, Gajar-Daucuscarota-stm-20mg, Coconut-cocos nucifera-fruit 20mg, Cucumber-cucumis sativius-fruit-20mg.


Other Active Ingredients:

Wheat Germ Oil(oil of Ttriticum aestivum)0.003 ml

Active Ingredients
Active Ingredients


Purified water- Qs to 5ml.


Carbomers - 15mg
Glycerin -0.025 ml
Propylene glycol – 0.025ml
Sodium Hydroxide- 0.025ml



Propyl paraben- 0.01gm
Methyl paraben- 0.09gm


Orange-G ( as colouring agent)- 0.001gm.
Orange oil (as a flavouring agent)

Preservative and Others
Preservative and Others

How To Use:


Take a one drop in your ring figure. Then gently massage into your eyelid and under-eye. Leave it. It quickly absorbs. Use 2-3 times
in a day.

Product Claim:

Product Claim
Product Claim
Helps to reduce dark circle, puffiness, fine lines.

My Experience with Soumi’s Can Product Under Eye Gel

Soumi's Can Product
Soumi's Can Product
Soumi’s can product is an ayurvedic Kolkata based product. I have a major under eye dark circle problem. So I using many brands under eye gel. This product is one of them. It contains cucumber which gives my eye a cooling effect I like this most. We all know cucumber works great to remove under eye dark circle, puffiness. Also, it contains coconut which also helps to lighten the skin.
In my previous blog, I share with you the benefits of coconut and how you can extract it from home. If you did not see that blog I share the link below check this out
After 2 week use of this gel I see that it reduce puffiness, dark circle (a little bit), I hope if I use it for 2-3 months with maintaining a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet it definitely reduces my circle.