How to make rose water at home?

Who doesn’t want glowing skin? I tell you easy remedies that you can do for getting flawless skin. BUT! Don’t worry I won't tell you to buy expensive products; you just need to pay Rs/-10 to Rs/-15 to make homemade DIY. If you want you can buy ready-made products also. DIY’s are very effective rather than readymade ones.

‘Rose Water’ that suits almost 95% of people and this is a key ingredient that makes your skin super glowing. You can make it easily at home using only rose Patel. Today's article is dedicated to those people who love to use DIY’s. Before going to the topic I tell you How to make rose water at home? 

How to make Rose Water at home?


  • Red Rose Petals.
  • Distilled Water.


  • In a bowl take 2-cup of plain distilled water.
  • Boil the water in low to medium heat.
  • After 30-40sec add organic fresh rose petals.
  • Cover with a lid.
  • For 20min you can simmer it until the water color changes to pink color.
  • Let it sit to cool down then store it in the refrigerator.

Your Homemade Rose Water Ready to use.

If you don’t want to make it at home then go for readymade organic rose water available in the market.