Nowadays “Glass Skin” this word is very popular for every girl. This word reminds us of, Korean girl.
Yes, a Korean girl is known for their glass skin. Their products are very costly too. But today i suggest you one brand which is not very costly and you follow every step in very low price. For achieving glass skin you need to follow 10 steps.

1.    Oil Cleansing.
2.    Foam Cleansing.
3.    Scrubbing
4.    Toning
5.    Essence
6.    Serum
7.    Sheet mask
8.    Moisturizer
9.    Eye cream
10.  Sunscreen

But today I tell you a daily skincare routine. Daily we need to follow 8 steps. 2 steps we do weekly 2days.

  • Oil Cleansing:

The oil deeply cleanses our face and maintains the moisture level on the skin.
Firstly we take cold-pressed sesame oil. Apply it all over your face and neck. Massage gently on your face and neck for 2-3 min. then wipe-off by cotton pad.
I recommend you to use Good Vibes Carrier Sesame Oil.

Sesame Oil
Sesame Oil

If you want to buy I share the link

  • Foam Cleanser:

After oil cleansing goes for a foam cleanser. Foam cleanser helps out to deeply cleans your pores.
I recommend you to use Good Vibes Brightening Foaming Lemon Face Wash.

Good Vibes Lemon Cleansr

I share the link below

  • Toning:

After foam cleanser, our pores will be opened. We need to close them. So, we use a toner. Toner helps to tighten up the sagging skin and also closed the pores.
Good Vibes Rose Toner
Good Vibes Rose Toner

I refer you to use Good Vibes Rose Glow Toner.

  • Essence:

After toning, we need to apply the essence. Because essence comes with water-base consistency which deeply penetrates to the skin. The essence is very costly but goodvibes is a brand that gives you essence a very affordable price.
My personal favorite essence is Good Vibes Pomegranate Essence which helps to lighten up the dark spots and also contain age-defying properties.

Good Vibes Essence
Good Vibes Essence

I share the link below

  • Serum:

The serum is slightly thicker than the essence. If essence penetrates the 3rd layer then serum penetrates 2nd layer on the skin.
Serum and Essence both steps I highly recommend you. Only these two steps deeply penetrate the skin. These two works very well.
Rest of the step work only the upper layer on the skin.
Good Vibes Vitamin C Serum
Good Vibes Vitamin C Serum

I suggest you very affordable serum

  • Eye-Serum:

Most of the girls skip this but we need to use eye-cream daily. We face a lot of difficulties in our daily life which firstly show in the eye area. We want to take care of this.
Good vibes cucumber eye serum effective for my eye.
Good Vibes Eye Serum
Good Vibes Eye Serum

 Here the link

  • Moisturizer:

This step locks everything which you apply before. It creates a layer on the skin. It helps to maintain skin moistly. Good vibes day milk lotion is a very light-weight but good moisturizer.
Good Vibes Day Lotion
Good Vibes Day Lotion

Here the link below

  • Sunscreen:

The last but most important step is to use sunscreen. Sunscreen helps to protect skin from harmful rays which cause skin cancer or any skin damage. If you think you are at home and sunscreen is not too important then you are wrong. At home, you also need to apply sunscreen. Today I tell you one brand skincare routine so I suggest you to buy good vibes  sunscreen.
Good Vibes Aloe Vera Sunscreen
Good Vibes Aloe Vera Sunscreen

If you interest to buy this then click the link

That’s all guys. We are complete our daily skincare routine. The other 2 days of your choice you need to scrub your face then apply a sheet mask.

  • Scrub:

The scrub helps to remove blackheads and whiteheads from the nose or expose areas. It also helps to remove dead cells from the outer layer of the skin. You need to use charcoal face scrub which not only cleans your pores but also detoxifies your skin. Good vibes charcoal face scrub is very gentle on your skin also safe to use. Try this scrub.
Good Vibes Activated Charcoal Scrub
Good Vibes Activated Charcoal Scrub

Purchase links I share with you

  • Sheet Mask:

The sheet mask is the main part of a Korean girl. Sheet mask contains a good amount of essence which makes our skin healthy and plump. It deeply penetrates your skin and makes your skin instantly bright and gives your skin a nice glow. Sheet masks are very expensive I know. But in there are many offers are available in many brands.
Grab this offer. Personally, I love the rice sheet mask. Rice water is very beneficial for our skin and hair.

Good Vibes Rice Brightening Rice Sheet Mask
Good Vibes Rice Brightening Rice Sheet Mask 

If you interested then buy this
 I purchase 10 good vibes sheet mask in 480. Isn’t it a good deal??Buy 5 get 5 and +additional 10% coupon. They also provide a very good quality of sheet mask. Download the purple app and enjoy the deals.
Always patch test before using any skin care products on your face
Korean Skin Care
Korean Skin Care
Hello Everyone. I hope you are really well. Today I tell you about Korean beauty secrets. Why Koreans are looking 20+ when they are in 35+? From their skin, you can’t imagine their age. They look gorgeous. They follow 10 steps whereas Indian’s are following hardly 5 steps. We think that cleansing, toning, moisturizing are enough for our skin whereas Korean’s do oil cleansing, water-based cleanser, scrubbing, toning, essence, serum, sheet mask, eye cream, moisturizer or sunscreen.
I really love Korean skin, so I tried DIY Korean products for 2 weeks. Trust me this gives a very nice glow and clear skin. Today I tell you about that diy which I used.
Korean products are very expensive. For normal people, they can’t effort it. In the market you can get many products but why we go for that expensive product whereas we can easily make it at home. Let start making and how can we use and store this product.

10 Steps Korean Skin Care Routine

1.    Oil Cleanser:  

In the Korean beauty regime at first, they used an oil cleanser. For this oil-cleanser take one-teaspoon of coconut oil (if you want you can use sesame oil, olive oil) then add one drop tea-tree essential oil(which helps to fight any-bacteria on your skin), one drop lemon-essential oil(which helps to brighten skin) mixed it very well. Apply all over your face and neck then gently massage it with fingers in an upward circular motion for a minute then wipe off with the cotton pad.

2.    Water-based cleanser:

After oil-cleaner our skin not clear properly so we go for a water-based cleanser to clear leftover oil or impurities on our skin. For making water-based cleanser we need 1 tea-spoon Multani-mitti, 1 tea-spoon Aloe-vera gel, 3-4tea-spoon water (for best result you can use rice water) mixed it very well. You can make it a liquid consistency. You can store it in your refrigerator for one week. Take some solution on your palm apply a thin layer on your skin let it dry properly. Then wash-off with plain water.

3.    Exfoliating:

After water-based cleanser, our skin is clear and ready for the next step which is exfoliation.
In Korean skincare routine rice or rice water take an important part. They use this it for skin and hair both.

  • For exfoliation, we take some rice flour. Take a tomato slice then add some rice flour over on it then gently massage all over your skin. Tomato is great for remove sun tan and brightens up our skin. And rice flour helps to remove blackheads, whiteheads.
  • I give you another option to take one teaspoon boiled oats, half tea-spoon coconut milk, half tea-spoon plain curd. Mixed this really well. Apply this all over your face gently massage. This is also a great scrub.

As per your choice you can use any one scrub.

4.    Toner:

After scrubbing they use multiple times toner(Take a spray bottle, put on in some rose water, store in the refrigerator. Then spray all over your face. Let it sit for 1 min again spray. In this way you can spray 5 times). You can use either rose water or rice water.

5.    Essence:

After toning, you can use essence. The essence is lighter than serum. For make an essence take one pouch of green tea put it on one cup warm water. Let it cool for 5min.
After cool down transfer it an empty spray bottle. After toning applies it all over your face.

6.    Serum:

The sixth step is applying the serum. For serum take 2teaspoon aloe-vera gel, one vitamin e capsule, 2-3drops glycerine, lastly 2tea-spoon rose water. Mixed it really well.
When essence completely absorbs on to your skin then apply this serum.
Korean Skin Care Routine
Korean Skin Care Routine

7.    Sheet Mask:

The sheet mask is very very important for a Korean girl. The alternative day they apply the sheet mask.

  • The sheet mask is very expensive. Why we waste money on this. Make it home. Take some slices of cucumber, some slices of watermelon then blend it very well. After blending squzze out all the juice from the fruits. Take a compressed sheet mask(very easily available online) put it on the juice. Take it on the refrigerator for 5-10min. 

Then put it on the face let it sit for 15-20min not more than that. Then remove it.

8.    Eye-Cream:

The eighth step is applying eye cream.
For this take one-teaspoon aloe-vera gel, one vitamin e capsule. Mixed it well. Then apply it all over your eyes.

9.    Moisturize:

Lastly, moisturize your skin. It is very important. Its protect skin from the outer layer.

  • For making moisturizer you need soaked 2-3 almonds overnight. In the morning crushed and extract juice from them. Then add half-teaspoon lemon juice, half-teaspoon thick curd and half-teaspoon coconut milk. Mixed this very well.

Apply all over your face. Leave it for 30min then wash off. If you want to leave it overnight.
In the morning you get brighter skin.