👉 What is Psychology all about

 ‘Psychology’ this word comes from Greek word psyche which means human soul. It is a study about human mind, their relation between other person. It is kind of a social science.

👉 Types of Psychology

Psychology have many types like forensic psychology, child psychology, development psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, positive psychology etc.
But today we discuss about particular one psycholocy that is human psychology.

 ðŸ‘‰ What is Human Psychology?

Human psychology is a complicated field that helps to improve people’s mind and their living process in various way. It is a science of mind.

Today we discuss about 7 facts psychology of human behavior

  • 1  Sometimes we cannot understand people’s mind. I tell you one awesome tricks that helps you understand who is close to you.

If you are going to a party with your friends, and there you tell them a joke. You notice each people which friend is laugh on your joke, its means they have a strong bond with you. They are interested which you want to tell them.  
  • 2.      Next fact, if you ask some question to anybody, he or she reply you but you his/her answer does not clear then what you can do?

You just keep silence and trying to eye contact with his/him. In this way he/she can understand that you are not clear what he/she answered, then he/she automatically explain you.
  • 3.      Now a days everyone needs money. If they have sufficient money to achive a good lifestyle, still then they are not happy. Human psychology says that everybody thinks that money is only life. This is wrong. Which person doesnot have enough money they are not happy in their life .Also the person who have enough money they just want more money.

That is not a life. Money is not important more than family, relatives, friends.
  • 4.      If you want to know that anyone interest about you or not then you should follow his/her foot. Yes, foot.

If it is close to your feet then he/she interested on you. Otherwise not.
  • 5.     Human Psychology says that if you love to listen music its affect the way you catch the world.

That’s mean when you listen a song automatically you relate that situation with yourself.
  • 6.     Human Psychology also says that 93% people express their feeling by text message.

I give you an example, suppose you like your best friend and you want to spend your whole life with her/him, but you also think that if he/she reject you then your friendship will automatic break down you don’t need that. In this situation you does not tell her your feelings directly.
  • 7.     Singing and Dancing both another way to reduce feelings.

There is many kind of psychology but no fixed way to identify them. I love Human Psychology most. Because it’s all about us. If we study on this particular topic so we know our self most. Every person have a different types of express their feelings but human psychology says that some of the common expression have to belong every human.

            If you want to study with Human Psychology then I suggest you go for it. It’s a good subject.

            I tell you some BA Psychology colleges name in India you can study:


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