Lemon is that type of fruit which detoxify your body, helps to lose
weight and enhance your skin complexion. It has a high source of vitamin C or
ascorbic acid and also has malic acid. The taste of the lemon is sour; that’s
why most of the people don’t take intake directly. If I start talking about the
Benefits of lemon, then I can’t stop. But today I especially talking about the
benefits of lemon for skin and how to use it for more getting fantastic results
on your skin.
Benefits of lemon for skin:
- 💁Lemon helps to remove pigmentation, dark-spot from the surface.
- 💁Lemon contains vitamin C; that’s
why it helps to enhance skin glow and remove tanning.
- 💁Lemon’s anti-aging property
fights with wrinkles and age spots.
How to use lemon for skin
💁Raw milk and Lemon Juice:Before starting any steps, you need to clean your face and remove excess
makeup and dirt. I share with you a fantastic skin brightening cleanser that
cleans dirt and brightens your skin.
For this, you need 2-teaspoon of raw milk (remember, don’t use boli milk) and add ½-teaspoon fresh lemon juice. Mix well and take a cotton ball, dip into the mixture then wipe-off. It is a fantastic skin brightening cleanser.
If you lost your natural skin glow, then use this amazing mask. After
using this facemask, you can see a visible result within a week.
For making this fantastic facemask take one and ½ teaspoon of honey and
½-teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Mix well, clean your face, apply this, and
leave it for 15-20min and wash off with normal water.
For best results, use this mask at night time and repeat this mask
at-least 2-3times in a weak; please ignore to apply this on day time.
Are you going to marry within a month? Then try this bridal pack to
achieve beautiful skin before you married. If you want, you can use it all over
your body and face.
In a bowl, take 2-teaspoon of pea-flour, add 1-teaspoon of Kasturi
turmeric, 1-teaspoon of lemon juice and curd for making a thick paste.
Apply this all over your face and body and leave it for full dry.
For removing the pack, don’t use water; rub to remove the face pack then
use water.
In the summertime, we faced tanning, redness, and many more things; you
need 2-teaspoon Aloe-Vera gel, a pinch of Turmeric, and 1/-teaspoon lemon
juice. Mix well and apply this all over your face and leave it for 15-20min
then wash off.
For best results, use this 2-3times in a week and trust me you never get a tanning problem.
💁Cucumber juice and Lemon juice:
After cleaning your face, toner application is essential because it
closes your pores and gives a glass skin.
For this, you need 3-teaspoon cucumber juice and ½-teaspoon lemon juice
mixed well. After clean your face, apply this with a cotton pad and leave it
for 10min then wash-off.
Here I share 5-ways to use lemon, but if you have allergy on lemon, then
don’t use this.