Ginger Juice for Hair Growth- 5 ways to use Ginger Juice

Stay Beautiful | May 13, 2020 | 1 comments

ginger juice
Source: pixabay 

Ginger root is a herb which we can use for cooking, but are you know it is use for skin and hair also Yes, ginger has many benefits for hair and skin. Ginger contains high anti-oxidant and anti-fungal properties that fight with infections. Ginger juice boost hair growth and helps to remove impurities from hair scalp. In this article I share ginger juice benefits and how you can use this for hair; to know everything then continue to read the article and for Bengali version click the link below-

Benefits of Ginger Juice:

  • 👉It contains anti-fungal properties that fight with infections which build upon a scalp. Dandruff is one of the significant reason of hair-fall ginger juice antiseptic properties that helps to remove dandruff from the scalp.
  • 👉It has essential fatty acid, and several minerals like magnesium, potassium etc. which gives hair proper nutrition. As a result, you achieve healthy hair and healthy hair means hair growth. 
  • 👉Ginger helps to boot blood circulation in the scalp; as a result, your hair-fall stop and hair growth and hair thickness boost up. 


5 ways to use Ginger Juice

ginger juice
source: pixabay

👉Only plain ginger juice:

If you are someone who doesn’t like oil application on the scalp, then as an alternative, you can use ginger juice directly on the scalp.

For this, you need a ginger root and then grated the ginger root finely after that squeeze it and collect the juice in a bowl. Take a cotton ball or any dropper for easy application. Before going for a shower, apply this on your scalp and massage for 10 min; leave it for 30min. Then complete the process of using shampoo and conditioner. Weekly 2-3times you use it for better result.   

👉Ginger juice with oil:

Take 1-teaspoon of Ginger Juice and mixed with 2-3 of coconut oil or olive oil or almond oil (any of your choice). Using double boiler process, heat the oil and ginger juice both otherwise Ginger juice doesn’t mix properly. Whenever you are shampooing hair before that apply this mixture on the scalp and leave it for 1 hour.    

👉Ginger juice and onion juice:

If you don’t use any oil, then ginger juice and onion juice is an excellent mixture for new hair growth. Both are amazing to achieve lustrous hair. 

Take 2-teaspoon of onion juice, two teaspoons of onion juice and 5-6 drops of rosemary essential oil; your mixture is ready for application. Weekly 2-3 times use this for seeing a result, but after the first use, you notice less hair-fall and soft, manageable hair.

👉Ginger juice mixed with regular shampoo: 

Many of us are very lazy for them it is an excellent remedy. You take a bowl and in a bowl take shampoo as per your hair length, and mixed with 2-teaspoon Ginger Juice and little bit water. This mixture stops your hair fall, boost hair growth. 

👉Ginger juice with Aloe Vera gel: 

Aloe Vera contains vitamin A, B12, C, E etc. which helps to repair damaged hair follicles and boost hair growth. Ginger juice helps to remove dandruff. Both the mixture solve 90% hair problem.

In a bowl take aloe vera gel and 2-teaspoon of ginger juice mixed nicely; apply this hair pack on your scalp weekly at-least one and leave it for 30-45min then wash-off with a natural shampoo.

Try any of the remedies, as per your hair requirement. If you allergic any of the ingredients then don’t try this. 

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