6 Life-Saving Hacks For You| Must try 2019

Stay Beautiful | June 21, 2019 | 0 comments

Hay girls today I tell you 6 Life Saving Hacks for you which helps you to fight with summers. In the summer we face lots of problems like

1.    Body odor

2.    Tanning skin

3.    Itchy scalp

4.    Dry hair

5.    Skin looks tired after a few hours of makeup.

6.    Bad smell of hair

Those are major problems. If we change our lifestyle for those hacks which I tell you below you can easily solve these Problems.

1.  Body Odour:

This is one of the common problems for every other person. Because we don’t take care of our underarms. Every day we clean our face then toning or moisturize our skin but how many of us take care of our body???
We go parlor for remove upper lips hair, check hair, plug eye-brows because if we clean it then we look pretty well.
But how many of us remove underarms hair????

Body Odour problems come first from underarms. If we take care of it then after a few days this problem easily solve.
  •  At first, take some Alovera Gel. Apply it in your underarms then use a razor to remove excess hair from underarms. Then apply the Multani mitti pack leave it for 15 min. wash off with water. After that apply your favorite roll on. Done.

Try it then share with me your result. But note that uses a razor as per your need. When you see hair comes out then use it.
  • One day you can use Multani mitti pack or the next day you use body wash. After that using roll on.

2.  Tanning skin:

  • When you come out from your home apply sunscreen before 30min. and also take a scarf to protect your skin from sun damage. In the summer always you carry a scarf in your bag. Don’t forget to wear a sunglass.
  • If you already get tanning then use a tomato sugar scrub. Take a half slice of tomato, in the upper part of this take some sugar on this then gently scrub on your face for 2-3min then wash-off. This scrub helps you to remove tanning from your face and gives you a glowing skin.

3.    Itchy scalp:

  • For itchy scalp, you can use ACV rinse. ACV means apple cider vinegar. Take a spray bottle fill this bottle half of ACV or half plain water. Mixed well. 
  • After shampooing your hair then spray it all over your scalp or hair length. Leave it for 30min then wash-off. This Diy spray helps to detox your hair. And give you a clean scalp.

4.    Dry hair:

  • For dry hair, you can use coconut milk. If you want you can make it at home otherwise you can buy this from online or any supermarket.
  • Just take coconut milk to apply all over your hair. Leave it for 2 hours then wash off with a mild shampoo.

5.    Skin looks tired after a few hours of makeup:

  • In the summer we sweat a lot. At first, I suggest you always use makeup primer before makeup. after makeup uses a makeup setting spray.
  • Always carry rose water on your bag. It gives you an instant freshness on your face.

6.    Bad smell of hair:

  • In summer our scalp also sweats a lot. for this, you can also use rose water into your scalp. And you see that bad smell gone.

You can also use apple cider vinegar rinse. Once in a week.

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