5-ways to use Castor Oil for changing your hair quality

Stay Beautiful | June 11, 2020 | 0 comments

Castor Oil
Whenever we talk about hair growth one oil that firstly strikes in our mind is Castor Oil. Castor oil not only helps to boost hair growth but also work as medicine for hair. It re-grow hair, treats on dandruff and split ends, etc. Many of you don’t use castor oil because it is a very thick oil, but today I share with you 5-different ways to use castor oil for hair growth.

5- Different Ways to Use Castor Oil for Hair Growth

πŸ’Coconut oil and Castor oil mixture:

Coconut oil rich in lauric acid for that it works as a daily conditioner. Coconut oil also helps to grow your hair and make your hair thick. When coconut oil mixed with castor oil then your hair grows 2-times faster and makes you’re your 2-times thicker.

For this remedy all, you need 2-tsp coconut oil, 1-tsp castor oil, and 5-drops of rosemary essential oil. As per your hair length, you can take it.

2 hours before bath you just apply all over your hair and massage for 5 min then leave it. Wash your hair after 2-hours  with a mild shampoo. Use this oil, whenever you shampooing.

πŸ’Aloe vera gel and Castor oil:

Aloe vera contains vitamin A, C, E, folic acid, etc, that helps to repair damaged hair and works as a natural conditioner. Aloe vera gel boosts your hair growth and maintains pH balance on our scalp.

Take a bowl and add a half cup of aloe vera gel (if you take pure aloe vera gel collected from aloe vera leaf) or if you use readymade aloe vera gel then take 4-5 tsp. mixed the ingredients well and apply it on the scalp and entire hair length massage for a couple of minutes, leave it for 1-hours, wash –off with mild shampoo. Use this for 2-times in a week for the best result. 

πŸ’Dahi, Methi, and Castor oil:

If you have a dandruff problem and also your hair is week then this hair pack is for you. This pack helps to remove dandruff, itchiness, dryness, reduce hair-fall, and makes your hair thicker.

For making this hair pack all you need 2-tsp Dahi, 4-tsp methi paste, and 1-tsp castor oil. Mixed them well and apply this all over your hair and leave it for 1-hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo with a mild shampoo. Use this pack at-least one week.

πŸ’Onion juice, ginger juice, and castor oil:

Onion juice contains phosphorous, vitamin C, folic acids, and more. It helps to repair damaged hair, promote hair growth and if you suffer from baldness then onion juice re-grow your hair. Ginger fight against dandruff and bacteria.

For this remedy, you need 2-tsp onion juice, 2-tsp ginger juice, 1-tsp castor oil, and 5-drops peppermint essential oil (optional). Apply it only your scalp and leave it for 30min then wash-off with a mild shampoo. Use it 2-3 times a week for the best result. 

πŸ’Almond oil and Castor oil:

Almond oil contains vitamin E, fatty acids, and proteins that treat dry hair and makes your hair soft, smooth, and silky. These days’ hair-fall is a common issue for everyone; almond oil stops your hair-fall also.

For these, you need 2-tsp almond oil and 1-tsp castor oil. after mixing the ingredients well and apply it all over your hair. Massage your scalp for 10-15min then wash with your regular shampoo. Weekly use this for 2-3 times for the best result.

I hope you try any of these remedies and this works for you.    

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