Onion Juice for Hair Growth and Regrow Hair

Stay Beautiful | June 30, 2020 | 0 comments

onion juice for hair growth

Are you facing huge hair-fall? And also suffered baldness? Then, this article will help you. This time for our lifestyle, day-by-day hair-fall increased because of pollution, unhealthy diet, junk food intake, and less water intake. Many of us try many ways to grow hair and try to regrowth hair but no product work; for them, onion juice is a miracle ingredient. You can use Onion juice differently, but in this article, I will share five different ways to use onion juice for hair growth, regrow hair, and stop hair-fall

Not only in India but also everywhere, onion juice is trendy. Before starting to know about the uses of onion juice, we are talking about, why onion juice is popular to solve hair problems. 

Benefits of Onion Juice:

  • Onion juice contains antioxidant enzyme catalase that helps to boost hair growth.
  • It contains sulfur, which nourishes hair follicles, reduces hair breakage, and converts thin hair to thick hair.
  • Onion juice helps to improve blood circulation; its antioxidant properties help to keep your scalp bacteria free and promote new hair growth.

5 DIY Remedies for Hair Growth:

Only onion juice:

Ingredients you will need:

  • One full-size small onion
  • Rosemary essential oil (optional) 
  • A bowl
  • Spray bottle or cotton ball 


  • Take a full size of onion and grated into a fine paste. 
  • Squeeze out all the juice from the grated onion. 
  • Collect the juice in a bowl and add 5-drops of rosemary essential oil.
  • Your mixture is ready for application.

How to use:

  • Apply it on your scalp. and leave it for 25-30mi then wash-off with a mild shampoo.


  • Weekly 3-4 times, you can use this remedy.

Onion juice along with ginger juice:

Ingredients you will need:

  • 2-teaspoon onion juice.
  • 2-teaspoon ginger juice.


  • In a bowl take onion juice and ginger juice in 1:1 ration

How to use:

  • Use this mixture at your scalp and leave for 30min not more than that. Wash your hair with mild shampoo.


  • Weekly 2-3times for the best result.


Ginger juice has an anti-bacterial property that helps to fight with dandruff and boost hair growth.

Coconut oil with onion juice:

Ingredients you will need:

  • 2-3 teaspoon Extra virgin coconut oil.
  • 2-teaspoon fresh onion juice.


  • In a bowl, take coconut oil.
  • Using a double bowler process, heat the coconut oil for 10sec, not more than that.
  • After removing from heat mix onion juice.

How to use:

  • Apply this mixture from the scalp to the tip of the hair.
  • Leave it for 1-hour.
  • Then wash off with mild shampoo and conditioner.


Coconut oil helps to nourish the hair and make hair more soft, smooth, manageable.


  • Whenever you decide to shampoo hair, make sure, before that, apply this hair oil. 

Castor oil, olive oil, and onion juice:

Ingredients you will need:

  • 1teaspoon castor oil
  • 2-3teaspoon olive oil
  • 2-teaspoon onion juice


  • In a bowl, take 3-ingredients and mixed well.

How to use:

  • Apply this mixture all over your hair.
  • Leave it for 1-hour.
  • Wash your hair with a regular shampoo.


Use this mixture 2-3 times a week for the best result.


Castor oil is the best oil for hair regrowth and boosts hair growth. Olive oil nourishes hair follicles.

Mixed onion juice with shampoo:

Ingredient you will need:

  • One-teaspoon onion juice
  • Your favorite shampoo.


  • In a bowl, take your favorite shampoo as per your requirement.
  • Into shampoo mix 1-teaspoon onion juice and 2-teaspoon normal water.
  • Mix well and shampoo your hair.


Weekly once, you can use this.


It is the easiest way and gives you the same result. If you don’t have onion shampoo, you can easily make your shampoo effective like an onion shampoo.  

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Tags: is onion juice good for hair growthginger and onion juice for hair growth, onion juice for hair growth, onion juice for hair regrowth, onion juice for hair growth review, onion juice for hair growth reviews, onion juice for hair growth side effects, onion juice for hair growth before and after, onion juice for hair regrowth male pattern baldness, onion juice for hair growth results

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